Tuesday, 17 August 2010

My lovely new beret!

I always say I never win anything but, you know what? If you don't try, then you certainly won't.

A few weeks ago I saw that stitchywoowoo had found a great 1950s model of a lady's head that needed a name. The prize for the winning suggestion was one of stitchywoowoo's brilliant berets. I thought, it doesn't hurt to try, and you know what, she looks just like a Delores.

It turns out the Fates agreed with me!

Delores was the name that was pulled from the hat, and I got back from my holiday to find this lovely package in the post!

Please excuse the photo. I am 0% photogenic, and also really tired. But the hat is great! I checked with Delores for the right way to wear it, and I think I've got it nearly right. I can't shake the feeling she wears it a bit better than me, but practice makes perfect, don'tchaknow.

Stitchywoowoo doesn't just make great berets, though - check out her etsy shops stitchywoowoo and woowootwo for lots of different unique textile and art creations - including cushions, wrist cuffs and art dolls, plus a great selection of vintage supplies.


  1. Ha! I never win anything either. I mean seriously, never. Nice job! And it is a great photo too! :)

  2. Haha - thanks! It was only about the 20th I tried to take. At a conservative estimate....
